He’s the Sydney based amazon influencer who’s gained a legion of followers thanks to his positive attitude and chiselled good looks.
But on Tuesday night’s episode of , Josh Carroll, 31, how to win friends and 4g4g.ml influence enemies shared his vulnerable side.
In a conversation with fellow housemate Danny Hayes, Josh revealed he suffers from crippling social anxiety and https://www.cryptotrade.cash the main reason why he applied for the show was that he wanted to show people he was ‚more than just your standard Instagram w*****‘.
Big Brother VIP star Josh Carroll, 31, tearfully opened up about his social anxiety during Tuesday night’s episode of the Channel Seven reality series
‚I wanted to come on here and show people I’m more than just your standard Instagram w*****,‘ he began.
‚I’m never at events, I’m never in the typical Sydney scene,‘ he told the reality TV villain.
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‚I get panicked easily in crowds, influence diagram pmbok I have crazy social anxiety, so I’m pleased I could come on this show and mingle with a bunch of – lack of a better word – randoms.‘
‚I never in a million years thought I could do that,‘ he added.
Opening up: In a conversation with fellow housemate Danny Hayes, Carroll revealed he suffered from crippling social anxiety and he wanted to show people he was ‚more than just your standard Instagram w*****‘
Josh explained to Danny that he is able to manage his anxiety through exercise.
‚So yeah, I’m extremely pleased that I was able to come on this show, push myself to mingle with a bunch of – for lack of a better word – randoms, for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.‘
‚Never would think in a million years I would do something like that,‘ he admitted.
Don’t judge a book: Josh revealed he is able to manage his anxiety through exercise
Elsewhere in the episode, https://www.cryptotrade.cash Josh bonded with Ellie Gonsalves over their common experience of losing their fathers.
‚My dad was the first person to let me know that I should start modelling.
He was depressed, sad and had a bad back. He started taking valium for the pain for his back,‘ Josh told Ellie.
Josh went on to admit that he hasn’t cried in the last four years since his father passed and said that his reason for going on the show was to make him proud.
For confidential support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.
Heartbreaking: Josh revealed that his anxiety started when his father passed away
Tears: Josh went on to admit that he hasn’t cried in the last four years since his father passed and said that his reason for going on the show was to make him proud
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